Campfire for Girls!
You do not have to be a Girl Scout to participate in this event. If your girl is interested in becoming a Girl Scout, you can learn more about scouting at this event. Register your girl to be a new Girl Scout and she can earn her first badge and special patch all in the same night!
Girls will receive a special patch for registering to be new Girl Scouts.
Girls have the opportunity to earn their Girl Scout Way Badge at this event.
Girls will enjoy Girl Scout traditions, sing songs, make s’mores, and celebrate sisterhood. This Girl Scout celebration will honor women and girls who change the world. Girl Scout Traditions are still an important part of scouting more than 100 years later! This campfire is recommended for girls in grades Kindergarten – 12th grade.
While this campfire is for the enjoyment for all girls, we are looking for Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors to help run different activities for the younger girls. If your troop is interested, please contact: education@lrecd.org

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